Bad Things In Public: A Tale of Exhibitionism and Humiliation Read online

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  “Since you seem to want to stray, I got you a leash,” he told her. “Get on your knees,” he commanded.

  As quick as she could, she slid off the couch onto her knees.

  “Actually, get on all fours.” She did as he bade.

  He crouched down and began fastening the collar around her neck. He took the handle and walked forward until the chain grew taut.

  “Come,” he commanded. “And stay on your hands and knees.”

  He purposely went just a little faster than she could crawl, so that she had to struggle to keep up, further degrading her. He dragged her into their bedroom. He got on the bed and tugged on the chain.

  “Up,” he told her. She climbed onto the bed and remained on all fours. He knelt beside her.

  “As part of your duties you will be absolutely honest with me. That means telling me the truth even when you know it will infuriate me. If you try to lie, you will regret it.” John jerked on the leash as he said this for added emphasis, causing Ashley to wince. “Now, tell me how it started.”

  Ashley knew what he meant. She reluctantly began her confession.

  “It was a couple weeks ago. The girls said they wanted to get drinks at the club instead of the restaurant where we ate. It started out innocent, but then...then….”

  “Then what?!” her husband yelled, and he smacked her on her rear, hard. She let out a cry of pain. “What did I tell you about holding back?! If I sense any hesitation, like you’re considering leaving something out, you will pay for it.”

  “Yes, sir. I’m sorry, sir,” she apologized. “Then they started dancing. With men. Men who weren’t their husbands. I didn’t join in. But I watched. And I was jealous. More jealous than I had ever been. And it made me...horny. Very horny. I was watching my friends totally fuck around on their husbands. They were being total sluts I thought. And...and…”

  She saw John’s hand raise up again, ready to strike her.

  “And I wanted to be one too…” she screamed out before she realized what she was saying. She trembled nervously, waiting for this revelation to bring her more pain, but it didn’t come.

  “Go on…” was all John said.

  “Then last week...last week I gave in. A man asked me to dance, and I said yes. He put his arms around me and rubbed on me from behind. Then he...oh God John...he slid his hand up and started rubbing my breast. And I...John I’m so sorry, I didn’t stop him. I wanted it. Nothing in my entire life had felt so good. My panties were drenched and I was sure the whole club could smell my arousal.”

  “And then?” John asked. The expression in his voice was unreadable.

  “That was it! I finally stopped him and ran straight out of the club!” she said, realizing she sounded a little too proud of herself considering the context of her actions. The pride left her voice. “I...I felt so guilty. I just drove around for a couple hours before I came home.”

  “And then tonight?” he asked. She bowed her head in shame.

  “Tonight I wanted it more than ever. I danced with every man that asked, no matter what he looked like. And I...” Her voice grew husky. “I let them do whatever they wanted to me.”

  Smack! He spanked her hard again. Then again on the other cheek. But she had told the truth, she thought. As if in response to her unspoken thought John said, “That wasn’t for lying. That was just for being a slut.”

  She continued her story up to the point of the man John had seen her with, up to the point where John had left. “Then what happened?” he asked.

  “No! John please no, don’t make me say it. You’re not gonna like it”

  He hit her harder than ever. She had expected it. Did she do it on purpose?

  “Tell me!” he barked angrily at her, and yanked on her leash again.

  “He...he...oh John, he put his hand up my dress. And I let him…”

  “And where exactly did he put his hand? Did he rub your soaked panties?”

  Ashley shuddered. This wasn’t going to end well. “No, not exactly…” she managed to squeak out.

  “What do you mean?” John demanded to know, ice in his voice.

  But Ashley didn’t respond. At least not verbally. Instead she reached a hand behind her and grabbed onto the bottom of her dress. Finally she spoke.

  “I...I dressed a little differently this week,” she confessed, her voice full of shame and dread. Then she pulled up her dress. John was in shock. He had expected to see her underwear. Instead, all that was to be seen was her giant, firm ass, her little brown hole, and her swollen pussy, wetter than he had ever seen it.

  This sent John over the edge. He grabbed the back of her head and pushed it down hard, smothering her face in the bed. She couldn’t breathe. This also caused her ass to arch up higher, and her holes to spread wider open.

  “Say it!” John demanded. “I want to hear you say it!”

  Finally, he stopped pressing down, grabbed her by her hair, and yanked her head up violently. She desperately gulped for the oxygen she had been denied.

  “He touched me John! He touched my bare pussy! He rubbed my clit and I leaked all over his hand!”

  Her clit was throbbing again. Even more than it had been at the club.

  “Like this?” he asked, full of lust. John reached his hand between her legs and started rubbing her. Fireworks went off inside her. She had thought being a slut felt good. Confessing it to her husband felt even better.

  “Mmmm, yes! Just like that!”

  John ripped the dress off her as quickly as he could, destroying it in the process. He didn’t care. Then he took her leash off, flipped her onto her back, and spread her legs open. Her nude body had never looked as appealing to him as it did now. He wrapped one of his strong hands around her throat and choked her, while he plunged two fingers from his other hand in and out of her hot cunt.

  “Keep talking,” he commanded.

  “I wanted more,” she confessed.

  “More what?”

  “More men. I didn’t wait for them to ask me. Every song I would move on to another one. It became an obsession. All I could think was that I wanted to feel another dick rubbing against my ass or between my legs.”

  John stripped off all his clothes. His fury and passion seemed to make his muscles bulge even more than normal. He positioned his giant, throbbing cock between Ashley’s legs, then split her open in one, long stroke. Then he fucked his wife harder than he had ever fucked her before.

  When he felt like he was about to cum, he wrapped his fingers around her throat once more. “Tell me why you like it,” he demanded, anger in his voice. “Tell me why you enjoy fucking around behind my back so much.”

  “I love it...I love it because...because it’s so fucking wrong,” she confessed. “John...I’ve been a good girl my entire life. I’m sick of it. I don’t want to be anymore. I want...I want to be a bad girl.”

  And with that, he emptied himself inside her. Ashley felt his fingers tighten around her neck. He blew his load with such force she could feel his cum hitting her cervix, over and over again. She came like she had never cum before. Her husband’s jizz felt scorchingly hot as it dripped down the back of her tunnel. Then John rolled off her, and didn’t say another word.

  “So, she wants to be a bad girl,” he thought as he drifted off to sleep. “Well tomorrow, she’s gonna get her fucking wish.”

  Chapter 3

  Ashley looked out the window while John drove. He had woken her up this morning and told her to take a shower and do her hair and makeup. But when she asked what she should wear, curiously, he said it didn’t matter, just make it quick.

  So she had just put on a comfortable pair of bra and panties, jeans, and a T-shirt. Despite what he had told her, when she walked out of the bedroom, she was worried he would be angry at her casual choice.

  But John just looked at her and said, “Good. Let’s go.” She let out a sigh of relief.

  As they sped along the highway, Ashley looked over at her husband in the driver’
s seat. He hadn’t told her where they were going, and she wondered if it would be okay to ask. She was getting nervous. All he had said was that they were on their way to her punishment. And he had brought the black bag with them.

  She had to risk it. “ I allowed to know where we’re going...sir?” she asked reluctantly.

  “We’re going to the mall.”

  She almost wanted to laugh. Her imagination had been running wild on her. She had imagined all sorts of horrible dungeons or torture chambers where he might be taking her. But the mall? What could be so bad there?

  When they arrived, he took her straight to the restrooms. He took a smaller, white bag out of the black bag and handed it to her.

  “Go into the ladies’ room,” he told her, “and change into this. Strip completely nude first and only wear what’s in the bag and nothing else.”

  She went into the nearest stall and removed her clothing. When she opened the bag, she let out a gasp. All that was in there was a shirt, a skirt, and a pair of shoes. There was no underwear. The shoes were a black pair of high heels. The shirt was a stretchy, white, low-cut, cotton undershirt with spaghetti straps. It looked to be about two sizes too small. The skirt was a mini-skirt, solid grey, and the shortest she had ever seen.

  Ashley changed into her assigned wardrobe and stepped out of the stall. The was a frumpy woman in her late 50s patting at her perm in the mirror. The woman glanced over at Ashley and didn’t even try to hide the distaste on her face when she saw what she was wearing.

  Ashley looked at herself in the mirror and gasped. The shirt clung to her skin like paint and the small amount of her large tits that were actually covered were straining against the fabric so hard, she thought the shirt might rip. But that wasn’t the worst of it. The material was of a kind that gets significantly more see-through the more it’s stretched. The fabric was stretched so tight across her chest, it was almost completely transparent. Her nipples could clearly be seen.

  Then she looked down at the skirt. It was barely covering her pussy. Reluctantly, she turned around to see how bad it was in the back. This turned out to be a mistake. She twirled a little too hard, causing the skirt to rise up. Even all the way down, the skirt didn’t completely cover her cheeks. So when it rose up, she flashed her entire bare, beautiful ass to the woman next to her.

  Ashley pushed the skirt back down as fast as she could and looked over at the woman with a look of horror.

  “I’m sorry!” was all she could blurt out.

  The woman snorted derisively. She was blunt. “Well if you didn’t dress like such a whore, these kinds of things wouldn’t happen, would they?” she said as she walked out of the bathroom.

  Ashley’s face was on fire she was so embarrassed and ashamed. And that was just one person. How was she going to go out into a crowd of people? She took a deep breath.

  “Maybe it won’t be so bad. Maybe I’m just being paranoid,” she thought.

  But as she stepped out of the restroom, she realized immediately that that was wishful thinking. Every person that noticed her ended up staring.

  “Holy shit!” she heard a guy say somewhere to her left.

  “Dude, look at that,” another guy said as he nudged his friend.

  A young woman was taking a picture of Ashley with her phone.

  Ashley was mortified. But the embarrassment just caused her nipples to darken and become even more visible.

  “Here. Put this in your ear,” John told her as he handed her a small earpiece. “This way I can give you instructions from a distance.”

  “A distance? Why would you be at a distance?” Ashley asked.

  “Ha!” her husband exclaimed. “I’m not going to be seen with someone dressed as slutty as you. That would be embarrassing,” he added with a sly grin. “Now, start walking that way.”

  “Yes, sir,” she responded, and started walking the direction her husband had pointed. When she was about twenty feet in front of him, John followed.

  The stares continued as Ashley walked. She had never been such the center of attention. Her tits bounced lewdly, her nipples were on full display, and her ass swayed seductively, peeking out from under her skirt. She was humiliated, and she loved it. She was being a total slut, and she never felt sexier.

  “Okay, go into this store on your right,” she heard her husband say through the earpiece. It was a shoe store.

  “Pick out a couple pairs of shoes. Tell one of the salesmen you need help with sizing,” he told her.

  “Oh!” Ashley thought to herself. “I wonder if this is a reward for being so obedient!”

  She picked out the shoes, then a salesman walked over to her. “Need any help ma’am?” he asked.

  “Why, yes,” she replied. “I wanted to try these on. But I need some help finding the right size.”

  “No problem,” he told her. “Just take a seat right over there and we’ll get your measurements.”

  As she walked over to the chair, the realization struck her. This was not a reward. It was all still part of her husband’s dirty game. She sat down, causing her skirt to rise even higher. If she leaned back even slightly, her lips would be on full display, even with her legs closed.

  The salesman kneeled in front of her. God, he was so young, Ashley thought. Salesboy would have been more accurate. He was wearing the logo of the local university and knew he couldn’t have been older than a freshman. In fact, he had probably just graduated high school. She realized she was old enough to be his mother. But this wicked thought just made her even wetter, at a time when she was trying her best to stifle her arousal.

  As soon as the salesboy had kneeled in front of her, she had crossed her legs, but this turned out to be futile.

  “Okay, ma’am just slip your foot into this,” he told her, holding the measuring tool at her feet.

  There was no way around it. She would have to uncross her legs. Her heart was pounding in her chest. Slowly, she uncrossed her legs. She felt the cool air on her bare pussy. The salesboy looked right up her skirt and his eyes went wide. As she slipped her foot into the device, this caused her legs to spread even further, and she had to stifle a moan as she felt her inner lips spreading open while the boy watched.

  After getting an eyeful, he looked away quickly, not wanting to get caught. He was too young to realize that a woman might do something like this on purpose, and believed he was being a rude pervert for looking.

  John, who was outside watching through the glass, noticed the young man’s discomfort and fed his wife some instructions through her earpiece to remedy the situation.

  “Tell him he can look,” he told her.

  Ashley blushed deeply. It was one thing to act nonchalant, to pretend like she was unaware anything out of the ordinary was happening. But to acknowledge reveal that, in fact, it was her who was being the deviant pervert… She couldn’t do it, she thought. But as she looked at the salesboy again, and saw the torment on his face, denying himself a near uncontrollable urge in order to do the right thing, she felt a great deal of sympathy for him, and also respect. Besides, she thought, it didn’t matter what she wanted or how uncomfortable it made her feel. She had to do it.

  So she took a deep breath and let the words flow out her, “It’s okay, sweetie. You can look.”

  His eyes darted up to hers and his face was one of shock as he realized he had been caught. But as her words sunk in, and he realized he wasn’t in trouble, he slowly moved his eyes downward again. For further reassurance, she spread her legs a little wider.

  It was even hotter now that all pretense had been dropped, and they both knew that she was showing him her sex on purpose, in public, in the middle of the day. She thought about what he must be seeing...her lips dark with arousal, her cunt wide open, sopping wet, with juice pouring out everywhere. In most situations, this would be a clear invitation for him to enter her.

  She saw the bulge in his pants and felt the thrill run down her spine. She loved watching mens’ cocks
grow hard because of her, just like at the club.

  Finally, her husband told her to say she had changed her mind about the shoes.

  “Thank you young man, you’ve been a big help, but I’ve changed my mind. I don’t think I’m going to buy any shoes today. Can you help me put these back on the shelf?”

  “Umm, yeah, sure, of course,” he said, bummed that the show was over.

  After they had put the shoes back, her husband fed her further instructions.

  “I command you to say and do whatever it is you actually want to say and do, even it’s inappropriate and you normally wouldn’t do it.”

  Trying to obey her husband’s command as faithfully as she could, she leaned close to the salesboy and whispered in his ear, “Thanks for being such a good boy, and playing my game with me. Promise you’ll think about me next time you cum.” And she kissed him lightly on the lips.

  Then she ran her fingers lightly up the full length of his clothed, erect cock. They both nearly came right there from her actions. As she walked away, all he could manage to mutter was, “Yes...yes, ma’am.”

  She exited the store feeling giddy and elated. She couldn’t wait to see what her husband would make her do next, and she deeply hoped it would be awful.

  She didn’t have to wait long to get her wish.

  “Here, put this in,” her husband said, handing her a small, metallic object.

  “Another earpiece?” Ashley asked, confused.

  “Haha, no,” her husband chuckled. “It’s another device I can use to control you from a distance. But this one doesn’t go in the ear.”

  Ashley tensed, waiting for further explanation, but knowing it would be something bad.

  “It’s a G-spot vibrator. I’ll let you guess which hole it does goes in.”

  Ashley looked at the object. It was silver, in the shape of a dildo for easy insertion, but thinner and much shorter.

  “Put it in,” her husband instructed her.

  “Yes, sir,” Ashley responded. “I think I see some restrooms over there.”

  She began walking towards them, but John put his hand on her shoulder to stop her.